The holiday season is in full swing both in the homes of our Twisters families and here at the gym. There’s something about this time of year that feels so special. A certain magic in the air and the excitement of continuing meaningful traditions makes the holiday season so enjoyable. Each family has their own special traditions around this time of year, and our Twisters family is no exception. We have some fun and special traditions that we follow each year and we love sharing them with each and every one of you. Read about our Twisters Traditions below!

Twisters Thanksgiving – Each year, all of the staff from both Twisters locations gather at one of the gyms to celebrate what Twisters owner, Randy, calls his favorite Twisters tradition: Twisters Thanksgiving. Each of our employees contributes to the event one way or another, whether it’s making a homemade dish from scratch, baking a delicious dessert, bringing supplies or decorating the party space. We all gather together to share this meal together, enjoy each other’s company, hear Randy’s brief but heartfelt speech about what he’s thankful for that year at Twisters, and we even give away a fun and rewarding gift basket to one lucky staff recipient. It’s truly an event that we all enjoy and look forward to annually.
Twisters Annual Holiday Show – Our annual holiday show at both Twisters locations is an exciting and fun-filled event that our staff and our students have a blast at each year. The theme may change each year; from Flipping in a Twisters Wonderland, to Sleigh Ride Spectacular, to Holly Jolly Jamboree, but one thing remains the same: With festive decorations, holiday music and a chance for all of our recreational class students to shine in front of their audience of proud family members, the Twisters Holiday Show is always a hit.
The Twisters In-House Meet- In mid-December, Twisters hosts our annual In-House meet AT American Twisters in Coconut Creek. This is a chance for our competitive gymnasts to showcase their skills from their hard work in the off-season in a pre-season hype-up event. The energy at the in-house meet is electric and fun, and really kicks up our Twisters pride and excitement for the upcoming season. The meet ends with all of our gymnasts receiving a teddy bear with their awards, and even features a visit from our own Twisters Santa.
Twisters Wall of Fame Ceremony – The Twisters Wall of Fame ceremony, usually paired with our Twisters in-house meet, is a very special event where we honor the newest inductees to our Twisters Collegiate Wall of Fame. Unique to Twisters, the Wall of Fame is an extraordinary roster of dozens and dozens of Twisters gymnasts who went on to graduate and compete collegiately on athletic scholarships. Twisters is incredibly proud of these accomplished athletes and we enjoy honoring them and their families as they are awarded with a custom plaque on our wall of fame and recognized for their achievements.
Toys for Tots/ Angel Tree – Tis the season for giving, and Twisters has always had a tradition of partnering with local charitable organizations, especially during the holiday season, to help other children and families in need. For many years, Twisters has partnered with both the Angel Tree program and Toys for Tots to donate new, unwrapped toys for kids. We are so thankful that our staff and our Twisters families all come together to donate and help make the holidays memorable for those less fortunate.
Twisters Winter Camp – If you ask the kids around here, one of their favorite holiday traditions, aside from the Holiday Show, is our Twisters Winter Camps! When school is out, camp is in, and Twisters hosts the most fun-filled, holiday-themed, gymnastics and fun-packed camps in Broward and Palm Beach counties. Gymnasts flip, bounce, twist, craft, snack and play their way through the no-school days and make holiday memories they’ll keep for years to come. We host winter camps at both locations. Check out the camps page on our website for camp schedule and easy registration.
Twisters staff holiday party – Arguably our staff’s favorite Twisters holiday tradition is our annual staff holiday party. Hosted and organized by our incredible Twisters leadership team, our holiday party is always top-tier food, fun and elegance. From Casino nights, to Murder Mystery dinners, to a yacht cruising the Intracoastal, with DJ’s, fantastic food and entertainment, a secret Santa gift exchange, personalized gifts for the staff and of course, great company, we are all super grateful for this wonderful and generous experience from Twisters leadership to celebrate our Twisters family together.
One last tradition that we have at Twisters is to give our staff paid time off to celebrate the holidays with their families. This year, Twisters will be closed for a period of time so that our staff can relax and spend time with those who matter most to them. After the New Year, we’re excited to get back in the gyms and start fresh. This upcoming year, 2024, is an olympic year, which always brings a renewed sense of excitement and inspiration for the sport of gymnastics.
As the year comes to a close, it gives us a chance to reflect on all that we are thankful for, both in and out of the gym. We are most thankful for the Twisters families, kids and staff who make this all possible, and who make Twisters gyms the best places to help build happy, healthy, responsible kids. Sending love, light and best holiday wishes to you all, from our family to yours.