Child Safety
At Twisters, your child’s safety is our top priority. These are some of the steps we take to make Twisters a safe place for children of all ages:
At Twisters, your child’s safety is our top priority. These are some of the steps we take to make Twisters a safe place for children of all ages:
- All of our staff, coaches and volunteers are subject to a number of background checks and investigations, including a private and thorough U.S. background check for any criminal or civil matters, as well as the mandatory USA Gymnastics background checks. These reports are reviewed prior to any employment being offered at Twisters.
- We have daily on-site management presence with managers at the gym during morning, afternoon and evening practices that closely monitor the staff and activities in the gym. Management keeps an open communication policy with parents, coaches and athletes, and we invite you to contact our management team at any time with questions or to raise any issues you may have with management, and we commit to taking action upon them.
- Preschool and Recreational classes are always open to parent viewing. Certain team practices may be “closed” to parent viewing for some portion of the training, so as to enable the athlete the opportunity to focus on the training regimen, but during these times, the front desk is fully staffed, and numerous coaches and administrative staff are present in the facility to ensure proper supervision.
- In the staff handbook, all staff are educated on and required to sign a diagram that clearly identifies the “no spotting zones” on a gymnast.
- Staff are prohibited from using electronic communications (Including social media) with students or staff members in a way that could be seen as insulting, disruptive, offensive, sexually-explicit, racist, sexist, homophobic, trans-phobic or in any other way that can be construed to be harassment or disparagement of others.
- All staff members are required to take the USA Gymnastics course titled Recognizing and Responding to Child Abuse. This course teaches about the various forms of child abuse, indicators of abuse, and about how to effectively report abuse.
- Our facility is equipped with AED’s and over 90% of our staff are CPR and AED certified.
We invite you to contact us if you have any questions. Our phone number is (954) 725-9199.
Links to additional child safety info are below.